
為了幫助自己公司的飛機和其他航空公司節省燃油及提高效率,波音公司正推出以NASA艾姆斯「直接到達」軟體(NASA's Ames Direct-To software)為基礎的建議航線訂購服務。當預定航線出現更簡單、更省油路徑時,此軟體會自動提醒航空公司的運行中心和飛行組員。
經由軟體自動認定的路徑是,順風較多、且為航管可以接受的路徑,這個軟體是由NASA位在加州莫菲特菲爾德艾姆斯研究中心所開發的。「我們很高興波音公司為了環境效益而使用NASA技術。 」艾姆斯中心主任沃登(Ames Center Director Pete Worden)說。
波音公司將「直接到達」技術引入「直接路徑」系統(Direct Routes),「直接路徑」系統是該公司「飛航中最佳化服務」(InFlight Optimization Services)系統的一部分。
2001年在達拉斯-沃斯堡機場(Dallas-Fort Worth) 附近空域,NASA證明「直接到達」系統具有降低燃油消耗的潛力。「我們估計,在示範空域的所有飛機,每天潛在的合併節省約900分鐘航程。」艾姆斯工作專案主任調查員麥克納利(David McNally)說。
波音的「飛航中最佳化服務」(InFlight Optimization Services)系統使用現有的通訊頻道,在現有的空中交通以及航空公司作業程序下進行。波音公司表示,無須變更法規,極少或完全無需新的設備。
「我們將易於實施的解決方案帶進市場,藉著降低成本、燃料使用和二氧化碳排放量,幫助客戶達到新的業務和環境效益標準。」波音商務部門飛行服務副總裁卡貝利(Sherry Carbary)說。
為了提高飛航管制員批准的可能性,並保持最低限度的工作負荷,飛航建議已預先檢查過包括:空中接近(traffic conflicts)、風力狀況、建立空域安全保護區(airspace constraints)和其他因素。
在國防部門的業務方面,波音公司正與美國國家可再生能源實驗室(National Renewable Energy Lab,NREL)合作,幫助加強美國國防部(U.S. Department of Defense,DOD)安全進入全世界能源的途徑。
波音公司和NREL於26日聯合說明未來可能合作的領域,包括:網路安全、能源管理和存儲、建立模型和模擬、可再生能源技術、在地的微型電網技術、小型發電機、大型系統整合設施等。Boeing Uses NASA Software to Route Aircraft for Fuel-EfficiencySEATTLE, Washington, October 26, 2010 (ENS)
Software developed by NASA and adopted by Boeing will soon enable fuel savings for commercial airlines and boost in-flight environmental efficiency.
To help its own planes and those of other airlines save fuel and increase efficiency, Boeing is introducing new subscription services based on NASA's Ames Direct-To software.
The software automatically alerts an airline's operations center and flight crew when a simple, more fuel-efficient path opens up along an airplane's intended route.
Developed at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, the software automatically identifies flight route shortcuts that are wind-favorable and acceptable to air traffic controllers.
"We're delighted that Boeing is using NASA technology for environmental benefit," said Ames Center Director Pete Worden.
Boeing has incorporated the Direct-To technology into its subscription-based Direct Routes, part of the company's InFlight Optimization Services.
Initial Boeing projections show that Direct Routes can save more than 40,000 minutes of flight time per year for a medium-sized U.S. airline - the equivalent of operating hundreds of flights that use no fuel and produce no emissions.
When NASA demonstrated Direct-To's potential to reduce fuel consumption in the airspace around Dallas-Fort Worth in 2001, "We estimated a potential combined savings of about 900 flying minutes per day for all aircraft in the demonstration airspace," said David McNally, the project principal investigator at Ames.
Boeing's InFlight Optimization Services are designed to be implemented within current air traffic and airline operating procedures using existing communication channels. No regulatory changes and little to no new equipment are needed, Boeing says.
"We are bringing to market easy-to-implement solutions to help our customers reach new levels of operational and environmental efficiency by reducing cost, fuel use and CO2 emissions," said Sherry Carbary, vice president of Flight Services, Commercial Aviation Services with Boeing.
To increase the likelihood of air traffic controller approval and to keep workload to a minimum, the advisories are pre-checked for traffic conflicts, wind conditions, established airspace constraints and other factors.
On the defense side of its business, Boeing is collaborating with the National Renewable Energy Lab on enhancing secure access to energy around the world for the U.S. Department of Defense.
Boeing and NREL jointly said today that potential areas of collaboration include: cybersecurity, energy management and storage, modeling and simulation, renewable energy technology, microgrid technology such as localized, small power generators and large systems-integration facilities.
文章來源: 環境資訊中心